we have created our top 13 sailing blogs 2021 edition to narrow down these blogs and influencers.
The blogs and social media accounts featured on our sailing blogs 2021 edition all feature many of the following destination guides, sailing guides, tips and tricks, reviews, recommendations, and just general wanderlust.
Who we are, what we do and, most importantly, why we do it; an introduction to Free Range Sailing. We cover the basics of how we cruise around remote Australia while pursuing our passion for fishing, adventure and self-reliance.
Henk de Velde (IJsselmuiden, 12 januari 1949) is een Nederlands zeezeiler
SailBlogs is the leading provider of blogging and map tracking solutions for the sailing community. From weekend sailors to ocean racers and cruisers, SailBlogs provides members with web-based journals (blogs), photo and video galleries and map tracking for their adventures.
We are Brend and Silke, two Dutchies and the proud owners of our sailboat ‘Aim’. Our goal (hence the name ‘aim’) is to undock the boat in 2023 to sail the world with the wind as our fuel! This dream became reality after our last holiday while sailing. How cool is it to travel the world with your own tiny home whilst still being young and healthy. The urge to go NOW is strong, that’s why we are not waiting until we are old and grey!
Wij zijn Jeroen, Jessica, Benjamin en Frank en wij droomden ervan de wereld rond te zeilen. Daarvoor moesten we alleen nog even de loterij winnen. Tot we ons op een dag afvroegen: Wat als we de loterij niet winnen?